Corma Meeting Minutes 2.22.07
transcription by S. Hicks
Streetscape Update: Merchants had concerns about lost business due to removal of parking meters. FDC said we should tell the community that it's still "one hour parking" on Cortelyou, even if the meters are not there.
The 70th Precinct will be on top of ticketing cars that park over one hour. (Sander will also CC Inspector Tom Harris on this.)
Green Market: Barry Smith from Flatbush Food Coop talked about the need to have the merchants involved in a potential move of the Cortelyou Road Greenmarket. FDC agreed, and CoRMA formed an "action team" around this issue, made up of: Barry, Gary Jonas, Jan Rosenberg, Leon Boyer, with Jan as facilitator. Jan agreed to contact the Greenmarket organizers and set up a meeting.
Financial report: we have $3,150.98 in the bank. We have from the City Council ($5,000).
Cathy Hickey and I are figuring out when this will run out, due to costs on Project Sweep.
Quick Review on What We Did in 2006:
Stratford Frolic, the local community street fair, which raised money for:
Project SWEEP, the street-cleaners administered by Midwood Development Corporation.
Ditmas Park Holiday Promotion, an attempt to get locals to shop locally at Holiday time. Project will be improved upon in 2007.
Advertising in Corma Informer and Megaphone, low-cost small business marketing opportunities many merchants have used to promote their businesses. see more info here.
Commercial banking outreach - Chase was present at our meeting today to talk about incentives to get employees to open Chase accounts, and we spoke to them about the importance of getting commercial banking back at Chase. Washington Mutual is still considering the big corner storefront on Stratford and Cortelyou. It's still a possibility. (Here's CoRMA's published call for commercial banking.
Proposal for 2007: New coupon book project. Sander will get bids from two local printers.
Nomination of New Board and Officers for 2007:
We have a slate running pretty much unopposed: the vote will be next month, probably with some more discussion and clarification of roles. The proposed officers for 2007:
Bryan Swirsky and Sander Hicks, Co-Presidents (aka "CoFacilitators")
[unless someone finds a candidate from the eastern half of the Cortelyou retail strip, in which Hicks will bow out and run for Secretary]
Gary Jonas, Vice President
Jabir Hussain, Treasurer
Gabe Carino, Chairman
any other candidates for Secretary?
Board of Directors needs to be new, more active than in 2006, more committed, more regular meetings. It should be comprised of active members.
Did I leave anything out? email
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