New Local Business: It's a Dog's World
It's a Dog's World is located at 593 Coney Island Avenue, near Beverly.
It's been opened since May 22nd.
It's a Dog's World ONLY carries top quality dog and cat products. The foods contain no corn, by-products, unnamed protein or fat sources, or chemical preservatives. We also carry a line of raw food for dogs and cats, which is convenient, completely balanced and reasonably priced.
The store is spacious, clean and light. It's easy to find what you want.
It's a Dog's World's owner, Marion Weiner, is a neighborhood dog owner and a Certified Pet Dog Trainer with several years experience. She's an expert on dog behavior, has access to cat behavior experts, knows of most of the local vets and is a wealth of general dog and cat information.
It's a Dog's World will be holding dog training classes and offers private behavior consultations, as well.
Marion is owned by 2 rescue doggies. Her first dog and love, Lu, is a 10-year old Standard Poodle. He's been trained in competition obedience, agility and rally obedience. In his younger days, he was a keen hunter and sight hound. The will is still there, but the hips don't always cooperative. Marion has just got her 2nd pooch, Lennie, last week from the CACC in Brooklyn (where Marion volunteers). He's a year old Bijon with the sweetest disposition. Training is just beginning!
Marion is also a cat lover, but her husband is allergic to them, which is why she sticks to hypoallergenic breeds.
Marion cares passionately about switching today's training mentality from a coercive, "dominance" obsessed methodology, to training that uses proven scientific methods, based on Pavlovian and Skinnerian learning principles. She feels that these techniques not only are the most effective, but are also the most humane, since pain and submission are not part of the learning equation.
It's a Dog's World is located at 593 Coney Island Avenue, near Beverly.