Cortelyou Business Survey
Vox Pop’s newspaper, New York Megaphone, is doing a “Spotlight on Local Businesses” focusing on the Cortelyou Road area. We would appreciate you filling out a brief survey for us. We would like to quote you and use your name in our paper. This issue will be out in mid-December.
1. How long have you been in business here in the neighborhood?
2. How is your business doing compared to one year ago?
3. Is business on Cortelyou Road seasonal? What are the high and low points of the year?
4. In the last 5 years (if applicable), how has business been?
5. What do you contribute that growth/slow down to?
6. Do you feel that the neighborhood is changing? How has this affected your business?
7. What does the neighborhood still need?
8. Is your location on Cortelyou Road a good location for your business?
9. Is the local City government helpful to your business?
10.What's your advice for someone thinking about starting a business
today in our area?
Thanks! If you prefer to answer via email, use, or drop off for Sander Hicks, Publisher, 1022 Cortelyou Road, c/o Vox Pop
Deadline: Tuesday, 11/27, 12 noon.
I hear Giuliani is looking for a coffee shop to greet and meet the public in.
Think he'll choose Vox Pop?
Great idea. Do you mind if I steal it for our neighborhood (Prospect Lefferts)?
"Brooklyn reporter booted after asking about 'foreknowledge' of 9/11"
That’s the title of an article proudly posted on Vox Pop's web site.
It goes on to say;
"When GOP presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani stopped off for a little retail politicking at a Colorado coffee house last Saturday, he came prepared to hammer home his commitment to the war on terror, make a jab or two at Hillary Clinton, and field some tough questions about recently indicted pal Bernard Kerik -- but he apparently wasn't ready for Sander Hicks.
Hicks, a Brooklyn-based journalist, publisher and all-around multimedia maverick, is also a self-described member of the "9/11 Truth" movement, a group convinced that official explanations do not fully account for the Sept. 11 tragedies. As Giuliani shook hands and signed autographs outside of Loveland, Colorado's Loveland Coffee Company, Hicks was waiting with a question.
A laughing Giuliani quickly brushed past Hicks ...
But Hicks was not ignored by the Loveland Police Department. Two officers immediately took hold of his arms and hauled him into an adjacent parking lot.
"Rudy, hi, I'm Sander from the New York Megaphone," he started, shaking the candidate's hand. "On 9/11, when you said -- " But Giuliani cut him off, saying sharply, "Why don't you let go of my hand?" The exchange was captured on tape by a local Colorado Fox affiliate."
I can't think of anything more fun than to see Sander confront Rudy.
But confronting any Presidential hopeful with 9/11 conspiracy nonsense is not the way to bring business into the neighborhood. Who would be willing to sink their savings into a community represented by a self proclaimed leader in the “9/11 Truth” movement?
He’s flying around the country to confront Rudy with 9/11 conspiracy theories? Terrific!
There are better representatives of the business community to bring new businesses into the area
I strongly urge CORMA to find another business person to represent the community.
I agree with peregrine.
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