Minutes of Latest CoRMA Meeting
Cortelyou Road Merchants Association Meeting: CoRMA
May 18 at The Farm on Adderley
In Attendance:
Jane/T.B.Ackerson Wines; Mannix/FDC, Economic Development Director; Gabe/Gabe’s Camera Shop, Gilbert/Belle & Maxie; Gary/The Farm on Adderley; Kazi/Seby Mortgage, Roma & Vipin/Picket Fence; Leon/The Associated; Jabir/Greenfield Pharmacy; Jan/Brooklyn Hearth Realty
Street Cleaning, Midwood Development Corporation: CoRMA budget has run out for this year; Membership voted on whether to pay June dues out of CoRMA Treasury; strong support for continuing Street Cleaning:
10 Yes
1 Abstention
Call Midwood Development and resume immediately!
CoRMA currently has 35 paid members; list of 2007-08 members will be published for businesses and residents to see, and sticker will be provided for store windows to identify who supports CoRMA and who doesn’t.
Discussion of current dues ($120/year), and whether to raise them or remain at current level. Dues used for street cleaning, marketing, special events. Vote on raising dues to $240/year.
11 Yes (Unanimous!)
Dues will be collected by block Captains for the year June 1, 2007 through May 31, 2008. Members can pay in one or two checks. List will be published in July of all businesses that have, and have not, paid. And stickers will be provided to all dues-paying members to put in store window. Gilbert (Belle & Maxie) will develop design ideas for 4-inch circular stickers. Most merchants wanted a small decal.
Block Captains:
Gary/The Farm……………………Coney Island Ave. to Westminster
Jane/T.B.Ackerson Wines….…… Westminster to Rugby
Leon/Associated………………….Rugby to E. 16th St.
Jabir/Greenfield Pharmacy………..E. 16th to E. 17th St.
Gabe/Gabe’s Camera Shop………..help Leon and Jabir
Printed minutes of last meeting and announcement/agenda of next meeting should be distributed by block captains to each store. Email is also good, but shouldn’t replace printed announcements.
Ask Philip Kellogg to write a press release for our street, focusing on the special events.
Flatbush Frolic: A Country Fair with a Cortelyou Flair…vendors will be in middle of street; dues-paying members of CoRMA get a special break (don’t have to pay for booth? Booth right in front of their stores?)
Gary said Frolic committee needs new volunteers (lost Brian/Cornerstone and Mark/Flatbush Food Coop)---Roma/Picket Fence and Mannix/FDC both joined volunteer committee. Not clear if there’s a paid FDC staff member working on this, or if it’s being organized totally by volunteers. Should clarify!
We want the Frolic to be on an “open sidewalks” day. Mannix is looking into this for the House Tour: June 10.
Need a flyer aimed at potential vendors: booth size? Cost? Paperwork to sign? Other? Can Philip develop this? Who do potential vendors respond to?
Who earns the money from the Frolic?
Streetscape: 2 big issues…
A. Large beautiful clocks have disappeared as elements in our streetscape project; EDC says cost overruns eliminated the clocks. No consultation! Merchants want to see the entire budget, expenditures; want EDC to explain to us what happened to the clocks.
In addition, the Cortelyou Library didn’t want the clock on “their” property. We should talk to the person at the BPL who’s in charge, and see if we can make it work; need a point person!!!
B. Parking Meters
Parking meters on Cortelyou (in front of Associated) were removed in December, and have not yet been replaced! This is very hard on grocery business; customers want to park and put their groceries in their cars. We requested a meeting with all of the interested, accountable parties (EDC, Design Firm, DOT, construction manager) in order to straighten this out. Scheduled for 10am, Brennan’s office on Cortelyou, if all parties will attend. Most people felt that otherwise they’ll just come and blame the one who’s not there, as they’ve done in the past.
We want a schedule of when the remaining work will be completed!
Victorian Flatbush House Tour: June 10
CoRMA wants sidewalks to be “open” for that day; Gary was working with Cathy on this.
Raffle Prizes: Merchants can donate good prizes to the Raffle; Philip Kellogg has more detailed information on what can be donated, minimum value, etc. This is a good opportunity to bring people back after the day of the House Tour.
NEXT MEETING: Friday, June 15, 9am: The Farm on Adderley. All member merchants of CoRMA are invited, as well as any merchants who are thinking about joining.
Personally, I am shocked that EDC would cancel the big clock, and not tell us.
That clock is the CENTERPIECE of this streetscape program. It's what we were promised in numerous drawings, etc. What an underhanded deal: Our businesses are suffering dust, restricted access, and closure of customer parking spaces for this project ....and they expect us to silently accept their mishandling of our funds??? They are going to kill our clock?
Glad to see CoRMA getting active on this.
The Library situation requires diplomacy. This is public property. Not "theirs" or anyone's, except the whole community's. I would be willing to be part of a delegation to diplomatically take the clock case to the Library. That's probably the first step.
I'm not a merchant, just a regular resident of Cortelyou. I think the streetscape plan is really great and that the benches are a nice touch. But last night as I was walking home from the subway (at about 11pm) the two benches near Picket Fence and the Tot Lot were occupied by two older drunk men. One (who had a small dog sitting at his feet) yelled homophobic slurs at me and my girlfriend as we walked past. As you can imagine, it wasn't very nice. I hope the benches don't encourage a lot of late night drunken loitering.
I can't believe the Associated supermarket is closing. It was one of our better choice in the nabe.
Benches will be a problem unfortunately. You can't keep them from becoming a hang out for drunks, junkies, rowdy teens or worse. That's the way it is.
It was unfortunate that the Associated is closing down, but I went into the Met Food Market for the first time and I was really impressed, especially their deli and the hot food. The produce in general was good. The service was surprisingly friendlier than the Associated.
Anyonbe else hear info regarding Starbucks and/or Barnes and Noble being interest in Ditmas Park locations?
Why is the MTA planning to close off the Cortelyou and Dorchester overpasses? Are they in that bad shape??
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